Bodo Schwieger, PhD.
Role played by mobility management in different companies and municipalities, among others: mobility concept for the Region of Oberhavel (2010), diverse projects regarding "efficient mobile" – dena (2010), Marketing Study Mobility Portal -Rhein-Main-Transport Consortium (2007), HANNOVERmobil (2004), Business Mobility Management Automobilclub Europa (2002)
Introduction of Car-Sharing systems, among others: One-Way-Car-Sharin, Dublin (2012), Car-Sharing Service "Quicar" - VW AG (2011), car2go Austin (2009), car2go Ulm (2008)
Electric Mobility: Marketing Study Introduction Electric Bus in the city of Nürtingen (2012), Planning an Electric Bus Shuttle in Malta (2005)
Presentations, moderation and events: "Mobility Management and new Mobility" (2012), Wo gets the transport change? (DGD - 2012), Travel 2020 (London - 2012), Pecha-Kucha- Anchoring and Moderation (ECOMM 2012),
Presentation Beirat Lease plan "New Mobility" (2012), Presentation ECOMM 2011 (Toulouse), 1st Commercial Vehicle Safety Day of Germany in Berlin (2004).
Johannes Theißen, PhD.
Since 1980 speaker and symposium manager at different educational associations and institutions (among others, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, The German Federal Agency for Civic Education, German Armed Forces) – Main topics: security policy, European policy, transport policy
10 years at traffiQ - Local Urban Transport Society, Frankfurt am Main Ltd. as divisional director, responsible for marketing, mobility research, invitation to tender of transport services, mobility management, customer service, EU projects, electronic ticketing and electric mobility
Since 2002 seminars at different events about mobility issues in Germany and abroad (among others: ECOMM, CIVITAS-Forum, CIVINET, VDV-Academy, BEKA, IIR, German Association of Cities, SRL, Switch-Consult). Last presentations 2012: February 2012, Berlin, Electric Bus Conference of the VDV Academy; June 2012, Cologne, Seminar Service Quality of the VDV Academy